Court hearing for the man accused of killing his stepdaughter in Troy – Google Locations Challenged

DNA, cell phone data and surveillance video are often part of a criminal case. It’s no different with this one involving Johnny Oquendo, 39. Except this time, there’s one more piece of technology, Google Location Services, and the defense doesn’t want it used. “We’re just asking for the courtroom to determine if this is good science,” said Oquendo’s attorney, William Roberts. Roberts filed a motion, challenging the use of Google Location Services, whether it’s generally accepted as reliable science. “The motion was filed basically to ensure that any and all evidence that comes into trial is within the proper perimeters,” he said. During the hearing on Wednesday, the judge heard from a Google employee who testified about how the tech giant triangulates the location of your cell phone. An FBI agent who works with Google also testified about how law enforcement uses the technology for their investigations.

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