5G nodes: what they are and how they work

While you may have heard how 5G works, part of understanding the basics of the new cellular technology is learning about 5G infrastructure. Find out how deploying 5G nodes on existing city structures such as telephone poles and street lights, will help change the future of cellular technology.

Like other versions of cellular technology, 5G operates by transmitting broadband wireless signals across a network divided into hexagonal “cells”. This division of the network allows for phones and devices to switch from tower to tower maximizing capacity. Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network uses a wider band of spectrum. With millimeter wave technology, more people will be able to use the network at once.

What are 5G Cell Towers?

Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network utilizes small cells, or nodes, in addition to traditional towers. 5G small cells are similar to 4G towers in form and function. Verizon is building thousands of additional 5G nodes to maximize and deliver 5G millimeter wave technology to our customers.

Since 5G small cells are smaller than a traditional macro cell tower, they can exist more discreetly. 5G’s small cells support the high frequency millimeter waves needed for the ultra-low latency and high data speeds of 5G.

How Do 5G Towers Work?

Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network uses 5G nodes that transmit and receive data to provide network coverage and capacity to densely populated environments. They strengthen coverage and data transfer speeds where devices would otherwise compete for bandwidth. In addition, small cells have been shown to extend handset battery life by reducing power draw, which saves energy overall.

Since 5G nodes are small they can be mounted on street lights, utility poles, buildings and other similar structures to efficiently deliver the data and bandwidth that users need. Discreet and energy efficient, small cells help make 5G possible.

Explore other aspects of Verizon 5G and stay up-to-date on all the news and developments.

Read the original article at Verizon.com HERE.

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