New bill could allow police to track your real-time movements via your mobile phone

Tues. April 27, 2021 | By Sarah Mastouri – ABC News – |

A new bill is on the table that would allow police across the state to track your whereabouts in real-time using your cell phone.

Police have already been able to track your phone without a warrant.

But with this new bill, House Bill 213, it would streamline the process and give officers access to your location in an emergency situation.

The bill came to light following a 2007 case where a teen was abducted and murdered, which some say, this new legislation could have saved her life.

Jerome McCain of Winston-Salem who just moved to the area from Miami says he feels safe in his community.

“It’s quiet, peaceful and gated,” he said.

When ABC 45 told McCain about the bill, he said it’s simply the police doing their job.

“As long as that tool is used for what is, what it’s purpose is for, for emergencies only and no body basically uses that to their advantage for anything else, then I’m all for it,” he said…

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