Seven years of Dateline’s Missing in America: 156 still missing

First Posted Dec. 4, 2020 | Dateline NBC |

A stark reminder of the dire situation in our country and this is just a fraction of the cases…

Dateline NBC’s social and digital series ‘Missing in America’ began on December 5, 2013, following a question the night before to our Facebook community, “Do you know anyone who has simply vanished?” The response was overwhelming. Since that first post, every week we have tried to feature the story of a different missing person brought to our attention by a member of our social communities. But on this seventh anniversary of the series, approximately 43% of those we have featured are still missing. Read, and share, their stories. Someone, somewhere, saw something. If you know someone who is missing, send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or email

Click here to see a running detailed list of all those still missing and profiled on the series…

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